City Services
Stormwater Articles
Healthy Streams & Hydro-Modification

Healthy Streams  A healthy stream is a meandering, winding, “S” shaped curve across the land.  It has open access to the floodplain and has a buffer zone along the stream bank.  When these natural curves in streams are eliminated and the stream channel is narrowed into a straight line, called Hydro-Modification, the effects are very dramatic.

A hydro-modified stream increases the velocity or speed of the water.  Streams confined in a channel can no longer spill over into the floodplain to reduce velocity, so downstream neighbors are at a greater risk of flooding.  The excess water can result in stream bank erosion which can destroy grass and trees.  This change in water flow can wash fertilizers and pesticides from adjoining land into the stream, causing polluted water.  Increased water temperature from higher water velocity and pollution results in the destruction of fish and natural organisms.

To help prevent this damage from happening to your stream, plant shrubs, grass, or trees along your stream.  Clean up trash along your stream or in the water.  Do not change the course of any stream.

Maintaining Our Streams

Bellbrook has a network of streams and drainage ways that carry stormwater to the Little Miami River.  To help prevent flooding to neighbors downstream, residents should not put leaves, grass cuttings, or other waste in these features.  Yard waste, garbage, or other disturbances to any body of water can cause flooding or damage to the surrounding banks.

Bellbrook is a beautiful city with many enjoyable natural resources.  We are blessed with an abundance of good water, natural rolling hills, trees and much native wildlife and foliage.  Here are a few things you can do to preserve the natural beauty of our winter season:

  • Stabilize or cover any bare areas in your yard so dirt does not erode or run-off.
  • Preserve streamside vegetation.
  • Clean up and properly dispose of pet waste.
  • Minimize the use of salt and chemicals.
  • Do not dump anything in the storm sewers - only rain goes down the storm drain!
Storm Drain Dumping & Stream Pollution
Lawn Care  Don’t overwater your lawn.  Consider using a soaker hose instead of a sprinkler.  Excess fertilizers and pesticides applied to lawns and gardens wash off and pollute streams.  Use pesticides and fertilizers sparingly.  When use is necessary, use these chemicals in the recommended amounts.

Automobiles  Use a commercial car wash that treats or recycles its wastewater, or wash your car on your yard so the water infiltrates into the ground.  Repair leaks and dispose of used auto fluids and batteries at designated drop-off or recycling locations.

Pet Waste  Pet waste can be a major source of bacteria and excess nutrients in local waters.  When walking your pet, remember to pick up the waste and dispose of it properly.