City Website: You can find more information about the City and community on our website. Community events, important announcements, and changes in City services are frequently updated. Visit
City Newsletter: Look in your mailbox every April, August, and December for the latest City Newsletter. The newsletter contains community and City news to help keep you informed. You can read previous newsletters on the Newsletter page on our website.
Leaf & Yard Waste: The City of Bellbrook does not permit leaves or yard debris to be placed in the street. While the City of Bellbrook does not offer leaf pick up in the fall, residents have the following options to dispose of yard waste:
- Leaves and yard waste may be disposed of in bags or tied into bundles (no larger than four feet long and two feet wide) and set out for pick up by Rumpke during regular trash and recycling pick up (Fridays).
- Greene County Environmental Services accepts leaves, grass, and brush. For more information, call 937-562-5925.
- Independent companies offer leaf pick-up/vacuum services.
- Mulch leaves by leaving them in an unobtrusive location in your yard and placing dirt on them until the leaves decompose.
Signs: Residents may place temporary yard signs on their property with restrictions. Garage sale, contractor work, and real estate sale signs are only allowed on the property where the activity occurs and for limited periods. Lead-in signs at intersections and signs placed on telephone poles or traffic signs are prohibited. For more information, visit the Planning & Zoning page on our website.
Animals: Residents can keep up to four dogs and/or cats on their property. Dogs are not permitted to run at large around the City or enter another person's property without permission. Additional information can be found by visiting our website's Planning & Zoning page.
Waste & Recycling: Waste and recycling collection is every Friday. Trash containers are the resident's responsibility, and they have the option to purchase their own container or rent one from Rumpke. If purchasing, the requirements are that it is either metal or plastic, has a tight-fitting cover & handles/bails, does not exceed 45 gallons, and does not have another trash company's logo displayed on it. For questions about trash container rentals, please contact Rumpke at 800-828-8171. The recycling container is provided by the City and stays with the property (dark-green, 65-gallon container with Rumpke's logo on the side). For more information, please visit the Utility Billing page on our website or call 937-848-4638.
Bellbrook TV: The City operates a public information television channel on Time Warner Cable and AT&T U-Verse. You can watch Council meetings and view community announcements. Council meetings are also able to be viewed on our website. For further information, visit the Bellbrook TV page on our website (