Apply to Serve on a Board or Commission
Vacancies occur regularly on various boards and commissions. Citizens interested in becoming more involved in their community are invited to contact the Clerk of Council, and submit their names for future vacancies. The various boards and commissions are listed below with a brief description of their functions.
Members of City boards and commissions are required to be qaulified electors of the City of Bellbrook. Citizens can only serve on one board or commission at a time, and all members serve without compensation in a volunteer capacity. For specific requirements of the various boards and commissions, refer to the City Charter and the Code of Ordinances.
When a vacancy exists on a board or commission, City Council announces the position and public notice is posted on the city website and other public locations.
Interested applicants must complete the Boards & Commissions Application below. Applications can be emailed to the Clerk of Council, delivered in person, or mailed attention to Clerk of Council at 15 East Franklin Street, Bellbrook, Ohio 45305.