City Council

Boards & Commissions

Apply to Serve on a Board or Commission

Vacancies occur regularly on various boards and commissions.  Citizens interested in becoming more involved in their community are invited to contact the Clerk of Council, and submit their names for future vacancies.  The various boards and commissions are listed below with a brief description of their functions.  


Members of City boards and commissions are required to be qaulified electors of the City of Bellbrook.  Citizens can only serve on one board or commission at a time, and all members serve without compensation in a volunteer capacity.  For specific requirements of the various boards and commissions, refer to the City Charter and the Code of Ordinances.


When a vacancy exists on a board or commission, City Council announces the position and public notice is posted on the city website and other public locations.

Interested applicants must complete the Boards & Commissions Application below.  Applications can be emailed to the Clerk of Council, delivered in person, or mailed attention to Clerk of Council at 15 East Franklin Street, Bellbrook, Ohio 45305.

Applications and Interviews

Notice of vacancies will be released through media outlets and will generally include a deadline for submission of applications, but may also remain open until filled.  Once applications are received, the City Council Community Affairs Committee holds responsibility to review and make receommendations to City Council for appointment of board and commission members.  The review by the Committe may include interviews or reviews of applicants or current board or commission members for re-appointment.

Screening and Appointment

Once the Community Affairs Committee decides on a receommendation for appointment, the applicant will be requested to sign and submit an Authority to Release of Personal Information.  That release will be forwarded to Human Resources to process for a criminal background and local reference checks.  The results of the report will be included in the recommendation for appointment to City Council.  City Council will then take action to approve or disapprove the receommended appointment.

Current Vacancies

The following vacancies currently exist on City boards and commissions at this time:

Board or Commission

Current Vacancies

Application Close Date Upcoming Vacancies Vacancy Date
Board of Zoning Appeals/Property Review Commission 1 Until Filled 0  
Historical Museum Board of Trustees 1 Until Filled 0
Planning Board 0 N/A 0
Village Review Board 2 Until Filled 2 12/31/2024

Planning Board 

Meets on the third Thursday of each month at 6:00pm depending on cases - subject to change


Appointed to a limit of two five-year terms

Denny Bennett- 2nd Term, Expires 12/31/26 (Chair)
Dr. Dave Van Veldhuizen - 1st Term, Expires 12/31/26
Kyle Boehmer - 1st Term, Expires 12/31/28
William Dahling - 1st Term, Expires 12/31/28 
Timothy Tuttle - 1st Term, Expires 12/31/26 (Vice-Chair)

Board of Zoning Appeals & Property Review Commission

Meets the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm depending on cases - subject to change


Appointed to a limit of two five-year terms

Meredith Glick Brinegar - 2nd Term, Expires 1/31/27 (Vice-Chair)
VACANT - 1st Term, Expires 1/31/28
Philip Ogrod - 2nd Term, Expires 1/31/27 (Chair)
Sharon Schroder - 2nd Term, Expires 1/31/27
LaKisha Taylor - 1st Term, Expires 1/31/26

Village Review Board

Meets the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm depending on cases - subject to change


Appointed to three-year terms

Thad Camp- Term Expires 1/31/26 (Chair) 
Jacqueline Greenwood - Term Expires 12/31/24
VACANT - Term Expires 12/31/24
Jeff Owens - Term Expires 12/31/24 (Vice-Chair)
VACANT - Term Expires 1/31/27 (Vice-Chair)
Brady Harding - Architect Advisor

Records Commission

Melissa Jones - Term Expires 12/31/24
Michael Schweller - Mayor
Rob Schommer - City Manager / Finance Director
Steven McHugh - Law Director

Historical Museum Trustees

Olivia Doran - Term Expires 12/31/27
Deborah Schram - Term Expires 12/31/26
Elaine Middlestetter - Term Expires 12/31/27
Tim Brennan -Term Expires 12/31/26
Lori Brennan -Term Expires 12/31/27
VACANT -Term Expires 12/31/25
Brady Harding - City Council Representative

Charter Advisory Committee

The Committee is appointed to review the Charter as required once every 10 years.  The Committee will set meeting dates and after the final report to Council will  no longer be an active Committee.

Angela Brown

Stephen Haller

William Hopkins (Chair)

Nick Kuntz

Jennifer Leclaire (Vice-Chair)

Amy Stone

Katie Taylor

Representative to the Greene County Board of Health

VACANT - Term Expires 2/28/25