The City of Bellbrook enforces Chapter 1450 of the Municipal Code entitled the Property Maintenance Code. In the code, property maintenance violations are detailed as well as the methods of enforcement.
The City of Bellbrook also enforces the Zoning Code which contains rules concerning parking of vehicles and recreational vehicles.
Click HERE to Submit a Property Maintenance Complaint
Complaint Process
Submitting a Complaint: The City of Bellbrook investigates all Property Maintenance and Zoning related complaints. When submitting a complaint, please provide as much information as possible. If the activity or condition is easily visible from your property, it helps if you give permission for a Code Enforcement Officer to walk on your property to view the activity or condition. To be informed of the status of a complaint, you will have to provide your contact information. Please note that all complaints are public record.
Inspection Process: A Code Enforcement Officer will inspect the property within 7 days of receipt of the complaint. If a violation exists, the owner will be notified and given a reasonable due date to correct the violation.
Enforcement: If the violation is not corrected by the due date, the Code Enforcement Officer will request a public hearing or other action as required/allowed by law. In some cases, the City may be allowed to correct the violation and assess the cost to the property owner.
Common Property Complaints
- Vegetation: Code enforcement officers are out on a regular basis throughout the spring, summer and fall to inspect properties for overgrown grass and bushes. Grass must be kept below 8 inches in height. Bushes and weeds must be trimmed and not permitted become overgrown.
- Accessory Structures: Structures such as garages, sheds, permanent outdoor play equipment and fences need to be structurally sound and in good repair at all times.
- Junk Vehicles: No inoperable or unlicensed motor vehicle should be parked on a property. No vehicle is allowed to be in a state of disassembly. Vehicles such as these are not allowed to be parked outside of a residence but may be placed inside and out of view.
- Outside Storage: The storage of miscellaneous items must be within an enclosed structure or screened according to the Zoning Code. Miscellaneous items can include indoor furniture, automotive parts, building materials and other items that are not common for outdoor yard recreation or use.
- Brush Piles: One brush pile per property is allowed.
- Protective Treatment: All exterior surfaces of a structure are to be waterproof and free from peeling paint or rotting materials.
- Gutters: Roof drains and downspouts are to be maintained and in good repair. Roof water should not cause a nuisance to your neighbors.
- Garbage Cans: Garbage and recycling pickup is on Friday of each week. Garbage cans are allowed to be placed in the public right of way (end of your driveway) beginning on Thursday of each week and must be picked up by Saturday. Garbage cans must also have a tight fitting lid to keep rodents out of your garbage.
- Mosquitoes: Mosquito control and abatement is managed by Greene County Public Health. For more information on the program, go to the Greene County Public Health Mosquito Control page.
*Please note, this is not an exhaustive list of violations.
Submit a Property Complaint
- Complete a complaint form below and mail or drop it off to the Administration office
- Submit an Online Property Complaint below
- Call the Administration office
When a complaint is received, a city official will follow up on the complaint by inspecting the property in question within 7 days of receipt of the complaint. If a complainant wishes to remain anonymous, please do not provide a name or phone number on the complaint form. If a complainant provides a name and phone number, this information is considered public record and is required to be provided upon request.