City Services
The City of Bellbrook encourages residents and businesses to do their part in the small things of life to reduce the harmful effects of stormwater.
Spring Into Action
When it's Spring, here's what you can do to help prevent stormwater runoff, a major pollutant of our rivers, lakes, and streams.

Plant trees, shrubs and ground cover to help rainwater soak into the ground. Keep the soil covered; bare soil is the primary cause of erosion. Mulch bare areas with straw, grass clippings, stones or wood chips.

Redirect rain gutter downspouts into landscaped areas instead of onto paved surfaces such as driveways. Rain that falls onto paved areas wash pollutants into the storm drains.

Consider growing clover in your lawn; it's hardy, stands up to wear and produces nitrogen needed by other lawn grasses.

What is Stormwater Runoff?
Stormwater is water from rain or melting snow. It flows from rooftops, over paved streets, sidewalks and parking lots, across bare soil and through lawns and storm drains. As it flows, runoff collects and transports soil, pet waste, salt, pesticides, fertilizer, oil and grease, litter and other pollutants. This water drains directly into the Miami Valley’s creeks, streams and rivers, without receiving any treatment at sewage plants. 

Storm Drain Dumping & Stream Pollution

To report an illegal discharge, call the Bellbrook Service Department at (937) 848-8415 Monday through Friday 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM.
After Hours, call (937) 848-8484.

What is an illegal discharge?
Storm drains are designed to handle stormwater runoff only and do not provide treatment to water or other substances that enter the system. The Bellbrook Service Department manages the storm drain system in the city. Public education and participation in reporting sightings or evidence of suspicious substances being dumped down storm drains or directly into our local creeks is an important part in preventing water pollution. Odors, unnatural colors or dead fish are signs that something harmful has entered the water.

As part of our Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) program, we ask citizens who suspect that they have witnessed illegal dumping into a storm drain or water pollution to contact the Bellbrook Service Department at the numbers above. If you are not sure whether an illegal discharge has occurred, please report it and we will determine whether action is required to protect the water supply and/or the environment.

What are Some Examples of Illicit Discharges?
Proper disposal of common household chemicals and products is important to prevent pollution of our local waterways. Under no circumstances should any of the following (or other chemicals) be disposed of by pouring or placing in a storm drain or directly into a local waterway:

  • "Gray Water" such as laundry, shower, or kitchen waste water.
  • Paints, solvents, cleaning products and other toxic household substances.
  • Gasoline, motor oil, brake fluid, engine coolant (antifreeze) and other toxic automotive products.
  • Septic tank pump-out and other types of human or animal waste.
  • Fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and other agricultural products. Leaves, grass clippings or yard waste of any kind

What are Some Visible Effects of an Illicit Discharge?
  • An unnatural color in the water, such as red, white or brown.
  • An oil sheen floating on the water.
  • Floatables such as toilet paper, or suds.
  • A foul or unnatural odor.
  • Dead fish or other aquatic life